Online Personal Training | Nutrition COACHING

Jay Armour

Online Personal Trainer and Nutrition Expert who stands above the myths and fads
In a world where fitness and nutrition misconceptions run rampant.
Transforming lives and sculpting strong bodies for over a decade.

Jay Armour, a seasoned Online Personal Trainer and Nutrition Expert from London, England, holds a BSC in Sports & Exercise Science and a BSC in Human Nutrition. He is also a Biomechanics and Movement Coach and a Level 4 Strength Training Coach. Armed with this extensive knowledge and expertise, Jay rises above the myths and fads that saturate the fitness and nutrition landscape. For over a decade, he has been dedicated to transforming lives and sculpting strong bodies, countering the prevalent misconceptions in the realms of fitness and nutrition.

Online Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach

Remove the guess work from your training and eating habits with my online personal training plans. Begin each day with confidence, knowing precisely how to approach your training and what to consume in order to accomplish your goals. I take a science-based approach to training and nutrition, these proven methods allow you to rest easy at night with the assurance that you're making progress. Don't let guesswork undermine your goals any longer. Sign up now and experience the ease and efficacy of my online personal training and nutrition plans, designed to help you transform your body and mind.